Monday, April 23, 2012

Game of Internets

Game of Thrones is a fairly new HBO series that can only be described as epic.  Now, I'll be the first to admit that I have a rather large soft spot for anything involving a medieval setting, but this show really does have a bit of something for everybody.  You'll laugh!  You'll cry!  You'll learn to hate!  You'll learn to love!  Like any good HBO series, this one, too, has its share of twists and turns.  I'll try to describe it as briefly as I can.

Game of Thrones opens on the Stark family, lords of the North.  Their city, Winterfell, stands between The Wall and the rest of the realm, which no longer believes there are horrible monsters lurking in the thick, dark woods just to the North.  Of course the monsters are still there; it's just everyone else in the realm has been so busy murdering each other that they seem to have forgotten why The Wall was built in the first place.  Savages called White Walkers live in the forest, performing witchcraft, bringing their mutilated victims back from the dead, eating human children, and enjoying a myriad of other pleasant pastimes.  And, they're becoming organized.  No, no, that couldn't be.  Those are old wives tales.  White Walkers no longer exist, nor do Dragons, Giants, or Spell Weavers.  Whilst the seven Kingdoms bicker over the throne, the Nightwatch patrol The Wall, fighting their own war, too ghastly to be a reality.  There is a long winter ahead...

That synopsis only covers a brief portion of the series, which darts back and forth from family to family, weaving a tale comparable to a train wreck in slow motion, or a Rube Goldberg machine.  You see all the parts coming together.  You don't want it to happen, but you can't look away.
So, have I got your attention?  What's that you say, good lords and ladies?  You wish to watch Game of Thrones, unencumbered by the restrictions of cable networking?  You don't want to steal it or take up the hard drive space on your computer?  Fear not!  The internet is here to help.

All that I ask of you is that you post a comment telling me what you think of it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Adorable stuff

I was using Stumble Upon and got sent to this video.  It's really well done and adorable!  The ending is a bit sad, though.  Pandas!


I screwed up.  I know I did.  It's been like, over a week since I last posted.  Well, you know what?  I've been busy!  I've been really, really busy!  I took a visit back home, got some new eye wear!  I played World of Warcraft!  I played The Sims 3!  Get off my back already!

No, but really.  I haven't been doing anything important.  I've been thinking about how nobody's gonna read this dumb stuff anyway and feeling bad about myself.  Thankfully, Kenny Powers is here to raise my spirits.  Kenny is the fictional protagonist in a series called Eastbound and Down.  If you haven't seen the show, you should probably go watch it.  Be warned, though; the show is exactly like this commercial.  Is this even a commercial?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Chili is impossible to screw up

In honor of my friends, zombie jesus, and finding an awesome recipe on the internet, I made chili today.  It was epic, though my mother's is far better.  This chili had a can of corn and a can of green beans.  What?  I also sauteed up a zucchini and threw that in there.  I had to rush to the store and back because jewel closed at 4 today (WHY) and forgot to buy cumin.  I never realized how important that spice is to decent chili.
Here's some kittens.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Saturday!

Finally, the weather is cooperating!  It's a breezy, sunny day today and it's about 60 degrees out.  Of course, I'm spending this gorgeous day inside.  A former friend is going to drop off some stuff of mine that he's been holding hostage for over a year, so that's exciting.  He says he has some things to say to me; that should be fun.

On a different note, looping machines are awesome.  I also like that his double necked guitar is a bass on the bottom.  Haven't seen that before!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Post Birthday party wrap-up

So it turns out Donnie DOES drink.  He asked me not to tell anybody.  If he brings it up, I plan to tell him he was drunk and doesn't know what he's talking about.  We had quite a blast!  We ate a bunch of pizza (vegan for Donnie, of course... gross), then I dragged the gang off to Cole's, which is around the corner.  Cole's is my favorite drinking establishment for a variety of reasons, but for now I'll quote the owner's wife.
Upon telling her that it's my friend's 21st birthday, and I'm sorry in advance for whatever he does: "No problem!  Wait, he's not pukey, is he?  I can't serve him if he's pukey."
After making me an Alabama Slammer: "So, how much does this thing cost?  Well, that's too much..."
Factor in the lack of T.V.s, cheap pool table, Abraham Lincoln themed art work (Cole used to have a portrait of Abe, some jerk stole it, now people give him Abe artwork to cheer him up.  It's a beautiful thing.), and bathrooms that encourage graffiti... I think we can all agree that this place is the best. Around.
Speaking of cool stuff, here's a video by some guys who are really good at graphic art!  These guys make all their videos by themselves, working on donations alone.  They also make all the music themselves.  Nice!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A post a day...

I promised myself that I would post at least once a day.  It's only day two; I'm already having trouble keeping my own promise!  Today I will share my latest obsession: the Slam Jam.  I'm not sure where this originated, but it's certainly entertaining.  Apparently, the theme song from Space Jam can be laid over the top of any song to create an awesome mash-up.  Part of the fun of Slam Jams is seeing Charles Barkley and Michael Jordon's faces hastily photoshopped onto stuff.  The comments also crack me up.

In other news, today is Donnie's birthday.  Donnie has been one of my best friends for something like twelve years.  He turns 21 today; we're celebrating by going to a nearby establishment called The Boiler Room.  They do specialty pizzas and have a full bar.  Not sure why he's opting to go out somewhere, seeing as he doesn't drink.

Here's a video of a kitten in slow motion.  Pretty song, too!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's a start!

You know you're in deep when the phrases "get motivated" and "start a blog" become one and the same.  I've been meaning to start a blog for a long time, now, but I never knew what I was going to write about.  I thought "there's no way I'll ever find enough stuff to talk about."  Then I remembered that I talk all the damn time and actually have a problem shutting my trap.  Problem solved.

I still don't know what I'm going to write about.  But, thanks to the constant prodding of my family and a few friends, I'm going to start anyway and figure it out on the fly.  Never done THAT before (sarcasm).  They seem to think I'm funny.  I guess we'll find out!

I guess I'll start off by covering the basics.  My name's Bonnie, I'm 22, I live in Chicago, IL, I've been unemployed for 6 months, and I'm slowly going insane.

Here's a video of a mariachi band playing to a beluga whale.