Wednesday, June 6, 2012


There are some things we thought couldn't be done.  Some things we thought shouldn't be done.  Then, there are things that make us think, "What the hell is wrong with you?  Why would you even think about doing something like that, you freak?"  
This is one of those things.  It comes to us from The Netherlands, where one Bart Jansen is mourning the loss of his cat, Orville.  Oh, did I say mourning?  I meant turning that cat corpse into a flying nightmare machine.  Yep.  Bart decided that the best course of action for his feline friend would be to slap 4 props on that bad boy and fly 'em around the park.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Things are funny!

During my endless hours of exploring the uncharted sectors of youtube, I've found quite a variety of things that made me laugh hysterically.  Here are a couple of those things.
How to speak English and How to cook.  I think what makes these two channels stand out (oh yeah, there are entire channels dedicated to this nonsense) is that there are real channels trying to teach people how to do this stuff seriously.  And their names are awfully similar.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Each year, a particular hair product company holds a seminar somewhere in Chicago, to show other hair dressers how to be spontaneous and eclectic and give people hair cuts that nobody would actually ever want in real life.  For whatever reason, I have volunteered to get my hair played with for the second year in a row.  I tell myself change is good, and a little twist will keep me on my toes.  The trick is to keep my fragile self esteem intact while doing something I'm completely uncomfortable with.

For the second year in a row, I have failed miserably.  That isn't to say that the hair dressers didn't do a magnificent job.  They did!  However, it takes a certain type of natural glamor to strut around with a fashion mullet. A woman such as myself, who tends toward days at a time without showering and dirty t-shirts, has nothing to gain from this type of hair cut.

There is a big difference between what they thought I'd look like and what I actually look like.

Regardless of the less than satisfactory results, I can say this:  I had a good time, and I look pretty good in a dress.  Sorry this is the only picture I have of me head to toe.  If they put a video up, I'll link it here!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Game of Internets

Game of Thrones is a fairly new HBO series that can only be described as epic.  Now, I'll be the first to admit that I have a rather large soft spot for anything involving a medieval setting, but this show really does have a bit of something for everybody.  You'll laugh!  You'll cry!  You'll learn to hate!  You'll learn to love!  Like any good HBO series, this one, too, has its share of twists and turns.  I'll try to describe it as briefly as I can.

Game of Thrones opens on the Stark family, lords of the North.  Their city, Winterfell, stands between The Wall and the rest of the realm, which no longer believes there are horrible monsters lurking in the thick, dark woods just to the North.  Of course the monsters are still there; it's just everyone else in the realm has been so busy murdering each other that they seem to have forgotten why The Wall was built in the first place.  Savages called White Walkers live in the forest, performing witchcraft, bringing their mutilated victims back from the dead, eating human children, and enjoying a myriad of other pleasant pastimes.  And, they're becoming organized.  No, no, that couldn't be.  Those are old wives tales.  White Walkers no longer exist, nor do Dragons, Giants, or Spell Weavers.  Whilst the seven Kingdoms bicker over the throne, the Nightwatch patrol The Wall, fighting their own war, too ghastly to be a reality.  There is a long winter ahead...

That synopsis only covers a brief portion of the series, which darts back and forth from family to family, weaving a tale comparable to a train wreck in slow motion, or a Rube Goldberg machine.  You see all the parts coming together.  You don't want it to happen, but you can't look away.
So, have I got your attention?  What's that you say, good lords and ladies?  You wish to watch Game of Thrones, unencumbered by the restrictions of cable networking?  You don't want to steal it or take up the hard drive space on your computer?  Fear not!  The internet is here to help.

All that I ask of you is that you post a comment telling me what you think of it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Adorable stuff

I was using Stumble Upon and got sent to this video.  It's really well done and adorable!  The ending is a bit sad, though.  Pandas!


I screwed up.  I know I did.  It's been like, over a week since I last posted.  Well, you know what?  I've been busy!  I've been really, really busy!  I took a visit back home, got some new eye wear!  I played World of Warcraft!  I played The Sims 3!  Get off my back already!

No, but really.  I haven't been doing anything important.  I've been thinking about how nobody's gonna read this dumb stuff anyway and feeling bad about myself.  Thankfully, Kenny Powers is here to raise my spirits.  Kenny is the fictional protagonist in a series called Eastbound and Down.  If you haven't seen the show, you should probably go watch it.  Be warned, though; the show is exactly like this commercial.  Is this even a commercial?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Chili is impossible to screw up

In honor of my friends, zombie jesus, and finding an awesome recipe on the internet, I made chili today.  It was epic, though my mother's is far better.  This chili had a can of corn and a can of green beans.  What?  I also sauteed up a zucchini and threw that in there.  I had to rush to the store and back because jewel closed at 4 today (WHY) and forgot to buy cumin.  I never realized how important that spice is to decent chili.
Here's some kittens.